Better Health & Beyond — Allergies
Types of Allergies
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Allergies come in many different shapes and sizes. People have allergies to dust, mold, bugs, insects, pollen and more. A person’s reaction to an allergenic substance will vary; some people will have mild symptoms that remain mild no matter their exposure to a known allergen, while others will experience severe, life-threatening reactions that may require emergency medical care.
The best way to reduce your odds of experiencing severe symptoms is by learning what your allergy triggers are, how to reduce your exposure and how to treat allergies when they do occur.Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergies
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Common allergies are often diagnosed by symptoms and by serologic testing. Your healthcare provider can help you accurately diagnose the foods and environmental irritants you are allergic to using simple blood tests. Other people prefer to do their own testing using food elimination diets or other means. No matter what means you use to diagnose your allergies, it is important you discover your triggers.
Once you do, you can start treating your symptoms and prevent allergic symptoms from recurring. While you may not be able to cure allergies, you can reduce them to minor irritants using a combination of preventive techniques and by taking regular medicines. Some people will opt for allergy shots in combination with other treatments including use of air filters and the “avoidance” technique to help limit their symptoms.
Coping with Allergies
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Every year millions of people suffer from allergies. Those most at risk include individuals with a family history of allergies or those with weakened immune systems. Allergies and sensitivities are two birds of a feather, though allergies are a more extreme form of sensitivities.
Whether you are allergic to a food product or any other foreign substance, the best steps you can take to avoid or reduce symptoms is to recognize the substances you are allergic to and avoid them. Once you discover your triggers, you can also take medications that will reduce your body’s response to known irritants.