Better Health & Beyond — Cancer
Anybody can get colorectal cancer.
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In fact, some experts believe an uptake in screening over the past couple decades has contributed, at least in part, to declining incidence rates of colorectal cancer in older adults.
The fact is, routine screening is recognized as the most effective way to reduce risk, and the United States Preventive Services Task Force says screening should begin at age 45 for average-risk individuals.
Seriously Bloated: Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore
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What to Eat to Prevent Colon Cancer
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Colorectal cancer is also known as colon cancer, bowel cancer or rectal cancer. Physicians commonly identify it depending on the where the tumor begins. Colorectal cancer starts when tumors or polyps develop in the lining of the colon or the end part of the large intestine which is called the rectum.
The Anti-Cancer Diet: Foods That Prevent Cancer
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