The Signs and Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
Posted by Kayla Phillips on

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck. It makes thyroid hormones that affect every part of your body. Thyroid hormones help to regulate your metabolism, digestion, sexual function, fertility, skin and hair health, mood, ability to regulate body temperature, and more. When the thyroid malfunctions, symptoms can be felt all over the body.
In hyperthyroidism, the thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone. Most often, this is the result of an autoimmune condition called Graves’ disease. Hyperthyroidism can also be caused by thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid caused by an infection), taking too many thyroid hormones, tumors or nodules on the thyroid gland, excess iodine intake, and a few other rare causes.
While the symptoms of hyperthyroidism can be subtle at first, they can progress, and can lead to serious medical problems if untreated.
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
Because the thyroid gland affects every cell, the symptoms of hyperthyroidism can be felt throughout the body. Symptoms include:
- Unintended weight loss, often despite increased hunger and food intake
- Excessive sweating and heat intolerance
- Increased bowel movements
- Anxiety, nervousness, and agitation
- Problems concentrating
- Missed or lighter periods
- Fatigue
- Rapid heartbeat, palpitations or arrhythmia
- Problems sleeping
- Fine, brittle hair and thinning skin
- Tremor, a fine shaking in the hands and fingers
- Fatigue
- Eye problems, including bulging, dry and/or watery eyes, and irritation
In older adults, the symptoms may be subtle and can be missed. Hyperthyroidism is sometimes misdiagnosed as depression or dementia in seniors.
Can Hyperthyroidism Be Cured?
Fortunately, most causes of hyperthyroidism are easily treated and can usually be cured. In some cases, patients may need to take thyroid medication for life.
Treatments for hyperthyroidism include:
- Medications, including beta blockers and anti-thyroid medications. Beta blockers calm the symptoms of hyperthyroidism but don’t address the underlying cause. Anti-thyroid medications bring down the levels of thyroid hormone in the blood. For those with Graves’ disease, treatment with antithyroid medications can bring remission within one to two years for 40-70% of patients. These patients will no longer require treatment. Other patients may need to take a pill for life, or they may explore other treatments for bringing down their thyroid levels.
- Radioactive iodine, which is taken up by the thyroid, destroys the overactive thyroid cells. This will lower thyroid hormone levels in 80% of patients within a few weeks or months. Sometimes, this treatment lowers thyroid hormone levels too much, and patients will require a thyroid hormone pill for life.
- Thyroid surgery (thyroidectomy). Surgery for hyperthyroidism used to be common, but now anti-thyroid medications and radioactive iodine treatment are more often used. Surgery is still sometimes needed in pregnant women, children, or others who have reactions to thyroid medication, or those who have severe swelling in the thyroid that affects swallowing.
If you require treatment for hyperthyroidism, your doctor will discuss the best treatment to address your specific case.
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Hypothyroidism - #1 Cause of Weight Gain
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