The Top Things You Can Do to Look Younger
Posted by Kayla Phillips on
All of us are obsessed with our mortality, and the quest to live longer, look younger and feel more energetic is one that’s as old as time itself (ironically).
Unfortunately, we have yet to find a true elixir of youth, so we’re stuck with our ageing bodies for the time being at least. However, what we can do at the moment – better than ever before in fact – is to use the technology and knowledge available to us to at least try and look younger. And in many cases these same strategies will also lead to improvements in energy and lifespan as well.
Read on and we’ll look at some of the easiest ways to start looking younger…
Dress Correctly
The first thing to get in order is your style, which means your dress sense and your makeup if you’re a woman. This is very important, as wearing the wrong thing can make you look considerably older – or like you’re trying too hard to look young.
The temptation here might be to presume that wearing youthful clothes will make you look younger. In fact though, this is incorrect. In reality, dressing ‘too young’ can often only serve to highlight your age.
Instead, focus on dressing to flatter your figure and skin tone and you’ll end up looking younger as a result. Makeup likewise should be used to bring the color back to your face, but not to try and mimic cover models who are mostly airbrushed anyway. Choose more muted tones and/or try to highlight the enhanced chisels that you get as you age.
Choose Your Diet
Your diet will have a huge impact on your apparent age as well as it can affect the look of your skin.
While this could be a whole article in itself, here are a few takeaways to focus on if you want to improve your looks through diet:
- Eat more antioxidants to strengthen your cells and thus reduce the appearance of wrinkles and flaws in your skin (you’ll also protect your DNA from damage that comes with ageing)
- Eat more healthy fats to strengthen and improve cell membranes thereby reducing the appearance of ageing. Omega 3 fatty acid is a good place to start, so eat more tuna fish!
- Drink more water to stay hydrated
- Eat more fiber to encourage a healthy circulation and thereby avoid uneven skin tone
- Eat more protein to enhance youthful muscle tone
Look After Your Teeth
If you’ve ever heard the term ‘long in the tooth’, you’ll know that receding gums are a result of ageing. But the connection goes much further than this, and as teeth are something that often will deteriorate generally as we age, people tend to use them as a kind of ‘barometer’ for age. In short, if you improve your teeth whether through whitening or veneers, you’re likely to look younger.
As with protein, exercise can help you to create more youthful muscle tone. At the same time though it can also lead to the improved performance of mitochondria, supplying your body with more efficient energy. This in turn leads to better recovery, better sleep, stronger immune function and more. Exercise is something of a cure-all and should be on everyone’s agenda. The best form of ‘anti-aging’ exercise is HIIT by far, while mobility work can help prevent aches and pains that lead to impaired movement.
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