Alcoholism-Effect on the Individual
Posted by Kayla Phillips on
Alcoholism-Effect on the Individual

Alcoholism is an insatiable craving and dependence on alcohol. It starts innocently enough but can soon overpower the life of the addict. It not only causes havoc in the family, but the health complications can be devastating. An alcoholic is in desperate need of overcoming this addiction to save his own life. The damage, once done, can often be too late, leading the path of his health and relationships with others down a destructive road.
There are both physical and psychological effects to the addiction of alcohol. In the case of a pregnant woman, she is also imposing her addiction on the life of her yet unborn child, saddling them with the possibility of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, developmental disabilities, and cognitive delays.
Researchers know that alcohol influences every bodily system. While drinking the addicts will experience slowed response time, slurred speech, walking and balance difficulties, memory loss, dizziness, black outs, hangovers, and motor dysfunction. In extreme cases an excessive intake of alcohol will cause breathing disturbances that can lead to death. This is known as alcohol poisoning because the alcoholic has taken in so much alcohol that the body can’t metabolize and excrete it fast enough before it overpowers the body.
Over time the addict will also suffer from alcohol induced liver disease also known as ALD. This disease is a known cause of illness and death in the addict. It can lead to increased fatty deposits in the liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. The fatty deposits in the liver can be reversible if the addict stops drinking and changes their behavior.
However, the treatment for cirrhosis is limited. More often this condition is fatal to the addict. The damaged liver impairs other organs of the body and changes the metabolism.
An alcoholic will also suffer from an inflamed stomach lining, pancreatitis, brain damage, heart attacks, vitamin deficiencies, neurological difficulties, hypertension (high blood pressure) and even cancer of the mouth and throat.
Alcoholics will also suffer from either anorexia or obesity, muscular problems, skin issues and sexual difficulties. Some men and women believe that use of alcohol will enhance their sexual experience because it decreases their inhibitions, but the opposite is the case. The use of alcohol changes the path that the blood supply is funneled, and the sexual experience is dampened.
Effects of alcoholism on the individual also include psychological disturbances such as depression, anxiety, violence, suicidal thoughts, mood swings and sleep disturbances. Because of both the psychological changes and emotional swings the addict will have trouble maintaining relationships and may suffer from financial and work problems.
The use of alcohol may be legal in society but the effects on the individual are far reaching and devastating. An addiction to alcohol is just as damaging as an addiction to other recreational or prescription drugs.
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Trusted Resources
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